Do you know the joke about the shoe repairman whose kicks had holes in them? Well, our website wasn’t exactly broken down, but we had been pretty busy working on clients’ websites and hadn’t updated ours for a few years. So we finally went for it. Even though we didn’t migrate anything from our outdated website, it wasn’t that difficult. We basically set out to build a brand new site… layout, look and feel, content and all. Our logo is about the only thing we kept.
Over the last couple of years, I had bookmarked a number of themes and websites I really liked that seemed a good reference for our site; of course, as I searched for a good theme to work with, I reviewed only the most recent 2019 versions. I had already settled on using an existing theme as either the WordPress or Joomla platforms were a good fit for our needs.
“Though we do build websites from scratch including original designs and custom-made Content Management Systems (CMS), today themes are so light and rich with abundant features that for many clients, this is a preferable (and less expensive) approach.”
I had a good idea of the content for our new site. After building websites and helping clients identify the best content for over 10 years, it was fairly easy to do this for my own website. We settled on a WordPress theme from OceanWP and went to work, initially deciding on the right content and what would create the best user experience. And just a few weeks later, we launched our new site; of course, this will be a dynamic process with Blog Posts and occasional updating of content and functionality. If you’re reading this, odds are you’re on this site. I hope your visit has informed you about our business and it’s been easy to navigate around our site. Drop us a comment and let us know what you think.