FAQs for Building your Website

With a basic idea of who your audience(s) is, what you would like to accomplish and what type of engagement you’re looking for via your website. For example, you’d like to create buzz about your business/entity; or interest visitors in your products/services and to contact you for more information; or to interact with your social media; or to visit your retail outlet/distribution center; or to buy your products/services online.

Use your brand (or business/entity) image or your product/service positioning as a starting point. Your online audience and expected call-to-action will also guide you. These elements could translate into any or a combination of these approaches: straightforward; corporate; fun; hip; conservative; traditional; colorful; elegant, etc. Picking out a website that you like is also very helpful.

If you have a logo, we’ll use it; if you don’t, we can create one for you. Provide existing content (text, images, videos), whether it’s from a prior website, your social media, a brochure, point of sale or other promotional/marketing materials. We’ll be glad to guide you in developing your content.

Most websites will include: Home Page featuring the overall nature of your business/entity and/or the purpose of the website and a call-to-action; Product/Service page(s) describing same; Team featuring yourself and team members or partners; News/Blog providing relevant announcements and/or articles designed to spur engagement among your target audience; social media links and contact information. There will likely be a few additional pages/links ie, clients list, etc. depending on the nature of your business/entity.

Whether you’re an expert marketer or not, tech savvy or not, with your knowledge of your business/entity and our guidance, you’ll find it a relatively painless process.

All our sites are SEO-friendly and built with Responsive Design to accommodate all screen sizes and devices.

We can provide these services and if necessary, develop customized solutions for you.


Contact Us

We look forward to discussing your website needs and how we may assist you.

212 461 0142
